

The picturesque Danube city, also referred to as “The Rome of Swabia”, was an important university city for centuries, as well as the seat of the government and residence of the prince-bishops of Augsburg. Historically grown idyll and vibrant presence built an appealing relationship and invite you to discover the big and small characteristics and their variety. One of the most important attractions of the city is the castle of Dillingen, the basilica St. Peter and the golden hall of the former university. A crucial personality of the history of Dillingen was pastor Sebastian Kneipp, who had a lung disease and experimented his famous cold-water cure on himself. Today Dillingen is a vibrant large district city of tradition and modernity.

Dillingen - Tourist Info im Rathaus 1Dillingen - InnenstadtSchwäbisches Donautal - Schloss Dillingen 3Dillingen - Goldener Saal 4Dillingen - Luftaufnahme


Tourist-Info Dillingen
Königstraße 37/38
89407 Dillingen a.d.Donau
Tel.: +49 9071 54-211
Fax: +49 9071 54-199

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