
Much water flowed down the Danube past the small city of Vohburg since its documented settlement around 1500 B.C. in the early Bronze Age. Shards and fragments of vessels bespeak the early inhabitants of Vohburg. Wonderfully preserved monuments tell a story about the heyday as a duchy, while modern lifestyle represents the connection to the present times. A symbiosis of the historical castle mountain with “Pfleger castle” and the new modern media library is not only a visual delight. It connects historical knowledge with modern technology. Especially tourists feel comfortable in the tourism office along with the media library.

Vohburg - Pflegerschloss 2Vohburg - Terasse und Apothekerhaus


Tourist-Information Ulm/Neu-Ulm
Münsterplatz 50
89073 Ulm
Tel.: +49 731 161-2830

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